Analysis Options is checked on for Assembly and a Compare Parts is performed."> Analysis Options is checked on for Assembly and a Compare Parts is performed."> Analysis Options is checked on for Assembly and a Compare Parts is performed."> Analysis Options is checked on for Assembly and a Compare Parts is performed.">

KeyCreator / View / Control Bars / Assembly Results Window


KeyCreator Assembly Results Window

This tree is populated when the Tools>Options>Analysis Options is checked on for Assembly and a Compare Parts is performed. The tree results presented are dependent on the options set for the assembly compare. Right click highlight a field in the Base Directory column for a context menu of options.


Assembly Tree Results Window

KeyCreator Assembly Window View

The above results are based on the following Analyze Options settings:


File Name- The compared assembly file names as they appear in the IS/WAS column.

Items Added-

Items Deleted-

Items Modified-

Items Matched- This section will have a drop down list showing the match results (name of each reference, found matrix values and file names for example) and any pass/fail results for the matched references subcompare. What is displayed will very depending on the settings used for the Assembly compare.

Right Click Context Menu:


Capture- Allows a Compare\ Display\ Captureof the selected tree item

Zoom To- Narrows in on the selected matrix pair in the tree.

Compare Node-

Open Report- Opens any saved .rpt file.

Next- Highlights (moves to) the next row item in the tree.

Previous- Highlights (moves to) the previous row item in the tree.

Expand Reference-  Opens any sublevel information for a given reference.

Expand Difference- Opens any sublevel information for a given difference result.

Copy Text-  Uses the MS Windows copy to select highlighted rows for later insert into another file (Edit>Paste in NotePad for example.)

Text Out- Saves selected row text information to a .txt file.

HTML Out- Saves selected row text information to a .htm file.

Find from Viewport-  Highlights (moves to) an entity in the tree by using the display entity selection method (conversation bar entity selection.)

Expand Completely- Opens the entire Assembly Tree.

Collapse Completely- Closes the entire Assembly Tree to the root level.