Revision / Compare Parts Interface / Results Display

Open Results Display (After a Compare):
KCompare Revision Opening Results Tree

Results Display ID-Object Highlight:
KCompare Revision Highlighting Objects  Result Tree
Result Item Categories
As set in Options.

Is Adjustments:
Any operation performed on IS file before starting Compare is listed here, (an auto-Transform or units no match for example).

A feature altered in Is file compared to its match in Was file. Expand for more details.

A missing item in Is file compared to content of Was file. Expand for more details.

Items that are present in Is file but do not exist in Was file.

Features or areas that are influenced by the Revised, Added or Removed items. These will not show in the report but are available for inspection.

User determined status set in right click context menu for any item for above categories.  Open Report will list these items in Ignored folder.
Context Menu
KCompare Revision Context Menus Result Tree

Use new folders and Combined items to condense content and reduce pages in Report. Creating '' Combine Connected Faces" reduces pages for Revised>Fillet and Face.
Example, Combine Connected Faces to condense the number of report pages created:

KCompare Revision example Combine

KCompare Revision example Combine 2
Example, select faces and context menu choose to combine into a folder:

NOTE: After Combine folders are made you can rename the folder by right clicking name and use Rename.

Sorting Options:

Sort by Size —  Total surface area of a face, feature or all the faces of a group. Sorts in descending order.

Sort by X Axis — Uses a box window method for faces, features or groups, lists in ascending order based on minimum point of the box along the X axis.

Sort by Y Axis — Uses a box window method for faces, features or groups, lists in ascending order based on minimum point of the box along the Y axis.

Sort by Z Axis — Uses a box window method for faces, features or groups, lists in ascending order based on minimum point of the box along the Z axis.