KeyCreator / Tools / OpenBoM / OpenBoM Configuration


KeyCreator Tools Open BOM options

Once all the steps for setting up the OpenBoM are established, use the Configuration options to setup for an export of an OpenBoM session. Once configured the Export BoM function will create an OpenBoM session.

OpenBoM Configuration Dialog
KeyCreator Tools Open BOM dialog

OpenBoM URL-- This field should autofill with the current URL to bring you to the OpenBoM Dashboard, .

UserName-- This field should auto-fill with the originally supplied user name you would use to sign into the OpenBoM site.

Password-- This field should auto-fill with the originally supplied password used to sign into the OpenBoM site.

Enable Logging-- Checked on will provide a log file in the event that an error occurs during OpenBoM Export, (will appear in the export progress dialog.) These log files can help the OpenBoM team troubleshoot any issues that may occur during an OpenBoM session.

BOM Type-- Choose the appropriate type based on the file structure used to create the parts:

  • Part List - This option will generate a part list BOM and will be designated by the Part Properties part number followed by Parts, (1-Parts, 2-Parts for example).

  • Single Level - This option will generate a single level BOM and will have an -SL after part number.

  • Multi Level - This will be the most commonly used export type for KeyCreator Assembly files and will have a -ML after part number designation.

Proxy Settings -- Clicking this button will bring you to the Windows Internet Properties tab. Here an internet connection can be configured if not already established.