KeyCreator / View / Render


Render Modes

The six render mode functions and four edge option functions control the display of solid, surface, and shell bodies.


The Wireframe function sets the render mode to Wireframe mode.

Hidden Lines Removed

The Hidden Lines Removed function sets the render mode to Hidden Lines Removed (HLR) mode.

Hidden Lines Dashed

The Hidden Lines Dashed function sets the render mode to Hidden Lines Dashed (HLD) mode.

Notes on Hidden Line Rendering

Notes on Hidden Line Render

Flat Shaded

The Flat Shaded function sets the render mode to Flat mode.

Gouraud Shaded

The Gouraud render mode displays 3D bodies (solids, surfaces, and shells) with a colored, shaded representation and smooth finish.

Phong Shaded

The Phong Shaded function sets the render mode to Phong mode.

Remove Hidden Edges

Use this function in shaded mode to display visible edges and to hide obscured and partially obscured edges, entities, and flowlines (optional). 

All Edges

Use this function in shaded mode to display all edges, obscured entities, and flowlines (optional) . 

No Edges

Use this function in shaded mode to turn off the display of all edges and flowlines.

Dash Hidden Edges

Use this function in shaded mode to display visible edges and to dash obscured edges, entities, and flowlines (optional). 


The Silhouette function displays additional display view dependant outline curves on bodies.

Thread Rendering for Features and Fasteners

The available thread rendering options allow you to display or hide solid feature and fastener thread detail.