DXF DWG Import

AutoCAD DXF and AutoCAD DWG Import

Use the Import>AutoCAD DXF/DWG functions to import files in the DXF or DWG format.

AutoCAD DXF/DWG Import Options Dialog

Set the DXF-DWG import options that best fit the DXF-DWG import.

Importing DXF and DWG Files

Follow the steps below to import a DXF or DWG file.

AutoCAD Entities Not Supported

The following AutoCAD entity types are not supported.

AutoCAD Entity Attributes Supported

The following is a list of supported AutoCAD entities, and how they are imported. 

Supported AutoCAD Entities

The following AutoCAD entity types are supported.

AutoCAD Global Variables

The following list describes supported AutoCAD global variables, and how they are imported.

AutoCAD Text Settings Support

The information below is related to the settings in the Text Attributes pane of the Detail Options dialog.